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Results for "tradition: "Science""
Birthday of Vandana Shiva Honoring the Indian scholar, author, and eco-feminist who believes that whoever controls seed controls the Earth.
Anniversary of the First Lunar Landing (PDP) A commemoration of landing on the moon by Neil A. Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Sit Spot An exercise to do while you are in a forest or other spot of nature.
Anniversary of Sally Ride's Becoming the First American Woman in Space (PDP) Celebrating the accomplishments of the acclaimed astronaut, astrophysicist, and advocate of science education.
Birthday of Jacques Cousteau (PDP) Remembering the marine explorer and recommitting to the preservation of the seas to which he called us.
Birthday of Rachel Carson (PDP) A celebration of the life of the renowned aquatic biologist, author, and conservationist.
Birthday of John Muir A celebration of the naturalist, botanist, and geologist who founded the Sierra Club.
Paul Pearsall in The Heart's Code The word "silly" derives from the Greek
Rachel Carson in Full Esteem Ahead If a child is to keep alive
Rachel Naomi Remen in Kitchen Table Wisdom In some fairy tales there is